Is this girl interested in me or is she friend zoning me? When I try to treat her as a friend why does she seem more cold?

So we met at work and I got this girls snapchat. After talking to her a couple times, she constantly came up to me to talked to me then I ask her to go out with me to a mall which i drove her and acted myself so super upbeat, simple flirty compliment, being fun, just being me. After her vibe still seemed to be happy. She never once seemed to ask me anything about me though the whole time. So I asked her later on snapchat if shed go out again and she even said she would totally sometime. Right after that she stopped talking to me as much at work so I went up made some funny small talk got her to laugh then asked her in person if she wanted to go to another place and when she was free. She changed the subject while I was standing right in front of her asking so I assume that's a red flag. So I stopped talking to her as flirty as I was before and just casually and friendly. I even talked to another girl in front of her to show I'm not trying to be clingy or weird. So she would start walking by me and rolling her eyes to the side and make a sarcastic comment about me not working like "what are you even doing" to be funny but if I did it back she wouldn't laugh lmao just look mad. Then If I don't say anything like pretend she isn't there she would walk slow behind me and by me and mutter to herself which really freaked me out lmfao. So I tried to be upbeat/ throw smooth compliments again and she seemed super happy. She answers snapchat fast just never initiates though. Before she would wait half the day. I'm gonna assume she isn't interested but trying to keep me by being if I don't talk to her, yet she barely initiates. Now she answers fast on snap but very generic answers with her face and a caption. I like her but we both seem awkward and I overthink so knowing what I want or should do when I see her confuses the hell out of me. I already technically asked her out twice after going out once and she evaded it so not sure what I could try besides just being friends.
Is this girl interested in me or is she friend zoning me? When I try to treat her as a friend why does she seem more cold?
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