Thoughts on Jada Pinkett Smith?

Let me start with the good stuff. She's beautiful, intelligent, well spoken, tolerant and a good actress. She seems to be a good mother as well and if we look past the "entanglement" seems to be a good partner to Will in general.


And these are my thoughts before the incident at the Oscars based on all the Red Table Talk episode and interviews she's done. I don't think she's a bad person, you can have bad qualities and not be a bad person.

So here it is. She's very manipulative. Really good at it. Especially with men. She get's a man to think very highly of her despite not being a saint (who is?). To the point where they don't expect any type of "evil" (lack of a better word) from you so you get away with manipulations without suspicion. This is the type of woman that when she get's a man he can easily become obsessed with her. In other words she's fake a lot of the times. Not to gain anything, like money or power. In some way she genuinely wants to be that person she pretends to be but she's not.
Thoughts on Jada Pinkett Smith?
6 Opinion