Girls, Girl gives me mixed signals (in my opinion)? solutions?

I've been seeing this girl now quite a few months, doing regular stuff like cooking together, learning , watching movies sometimes etc - sometimes on a daily basis, i kinda developed feelings about her, to say so mildly

so my problem:
when we do this often she shows clear signs of attraction in my eyes (touching, resting head on my lab, prolonged eye contact etc, flirts heavily verbaly aswell. we talk about almost anything - how a perfect family would be, political and religious beliefs.
Calls me often, wants help etc.
and then there are days where she barely even texts, flirts and kinda builds a wall between us, it feels like - like those days are immediatly after she went crazy flirting wise.
whats up with that? those mixed signals are hard to grasp and to figure out.
is she unsure? is she scared? am i interpreting to much here?
Girls, Girl gives me mixed signals (in my opinion)? solutions?
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