Why are women put off by men wanting validation/affection from the opposite sex?

Watch the starting clip to understand where this came from. This is from a 7/10+ female tiktok who regularly get 100+ men sending her "good night queen" messages before she goes to bed. She states that attractiveness for men go down when they post pics or videos of them trying to be attractive and garner attention from the opposite sex. Whether it be posting shirtless pics of them after they work out or them trying to be sexy and asking girls if they would date them.

Keep in mind that this girl regularly post stuff like this on her insta for attention.
Why are women put off by men wanting validation/affection from the opposite sex?
Why are women put off by men wanting validation/affection from the opposite sex?
Why are women put off by men wanting validation/affection from the opposite sex?
Why are women put off by men wanting validation/affection from the opposite sex?
[if you want to see that good night queen video. Please see the video below]
Why are women put off by men wanting validation/affection from the opposite sex?
3 Opinion