Why do some women act like children when upset or very emotional?

Why do some women act like children when upset or very emotional?

Examples: turning her back to me, hiding under the bed covers, talks less, ignores me, doesn't respond back for hours or days going into hibernation mode.

I'm sure guys do these things too... But from my experience, it's been tolerating all these childish behaviors from women while I don't do any of them when upset. Age doesn't seem to matter either. Women in their high 30s have done all of those things to me.

When I'm upset, I get over it in seconds or a few minutes at most. It's pointless to lose your temper and trivial. Sure when I was a lot younger it was more difficult to control my emotions. This is how I've been for many many years though... So why are some women and women even older then me unable to collect themselves when upset like I do?

1 y
Another example I forgot was when she leaves the room or goes outside escaping the conversation.
Why do some women act like children when upset or very emotional?
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