Why would she ask this about me?

I know a woman at work. Honestly she’s the center of the workplace and life of the party; she’s super fun and bubbly and in her late 20s. She sometimes had complimented my makeup and has told me that I’m pretty multiple times. I’m working on not being super sensitive but I don't know ik just curious about this one.

I’m kind of too myself at work. I do have people I talk to at work but I can also be quiet or standoffish. I haven't hung out with anyone outside of work yet. I do have a boyfriend and I feel like all my coworkers just think I’m interested in spending time with him. I’ve been having this new receptionist job at the spa that’s part time. I told the woman at work that (she’s one of the managers ) and she always asks me how things are going there.

Yesterday we were talking and she was like “are they treating you nice over there? They better not be being mean to you” and i told her everyone was nice and she asked how the girls were and I tried to explain to her and she was like “are they bitchy?” Lol why did she say that or ask if they’re being nice to me? That makes me feel like the weird kid who no one talks to lol.
Why would she ask this about me?
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