I want to buy this girl a gift to give her when we meet for the first time, but I'm not sure if it would be too much?


I've been talking with this girl for about a year and we're finally going to meet in person next month. I know she likes vintage photography, and specifically 3D photography, so I want to buy her a camera, because I know she doesn't have one. We started as friends and have become more romantic with time.

Here's the problem; the right camera, the one she actually wants, is about $250-300. I can get a comparable camera for $50, but it's not exactly the right thing; it's kind of a starter camera into the style of photography she enjoys. Brands matter enough in a situation like this that I don't really want to compromise. I have enough money that I could spend the extra money without issue.

Now... I personally don't care about spending $300, but I know that a woman could easily see a gift like that as me trying to buy her affection. Buying the cheaper camera is nice and symbolic, but the fact it isn't exactly what she wants might make the whole thing counter productive.

Is buying her a gift on our first meeting a bad idea?

Bad idea. Slow down, dude
If she gets weird about $300, she's prob not the one for you.
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I want to buy this girl a gift to give her when we meet for the first time, but I'm not sure if it would be too much?
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