Why does she ingore me?


A girl in my school was chasing me for a while, she never talk with me and she was making a lot of eye contact with me then I have got a crush on her and I show her some signs I likes her back, I like her body and I thought if I get her to sleep with me and when I stare at her body and make her noticed, she was staring at me and looks at me a lot and I look at her then she slowly start ingoring me but she was making long eye contact with me and then she ingores me compeletly suddenly and she tires to make me jealous like she looks at all my friends expect me, when she noticed I looks at her she doesn't look at me or ingores me and look at boys.. then I try to give her more attention like I fliter with her a lot with my friends and I chase her, I stare at her, I smile at her, I looks at her and look but she never mind..! she noticed everything I do and she tease me.. what happen what do I do to her?

Why does she ingore me?
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