AITA for telling her man that she was emotionally cheating on him?


So I recently found out a girl that I've been talking to, and who has been uncomfortably flirty with me, had a boyfriend. She told me herself that she was trying to keep him a secret, but I ended up finding the guy on Instagram and informing him of this along with the text messages we had exchanged as proof. On top of keeping it a "secret", she said she missed me/wanted to hear my voice again/suggested that I "needed her" so I wouldn't be so stressed out etc etc and I shared all of this with him. I also stopped talking to the girl because, as I said, she was being flirty and she was definitely not my type and knowing she was this shitty of a person was enough to not even want to be platonic friends with her.

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AITA for telling her man that she was emotionally cheating on him?
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