Is this normal behavior for a girl you asked out and who said yes to a date?

She is 30, I'm 31. We're friends, work together, and have gotten close over the past few months and based on her behavior I asked her out. She said sure, and seemed genuinely excited about the planned I cooked as it isn't a typical date, as she's told me she doesn't enjoy a typical one

Four hours before date she texts me that she has a horrible headache and throwing up and told me I'm going to hate her but she wants to reschedule. She's told me about her health issues so I'm almost certain she was telling me the truth, as it is she was having the same problem last Monday. She seemed interested as she tried to find a day that worked for both, saying "we can try Wednesday" but I couldn't so she settled on "let's just do Friday then!". She was playful while texting, telling me to help her with her pain and thanking me for being so understanding

Today at work she barely even looked at me and didn't even come to talk to me which she usually does, and when I went to her she kept it short. Even at lunch when I sometimes sit with her she spent all the time talking on her phone

She seemed busy all day and was dealing with another ailment she told me besides the headache, but I did see her talking to others and at no point came to me. Didn't share any smiles or stares as we usually do. Maybe I'm overthinking it, maybe she's as nervous as I am, maybe she wants to keep it cool, I dunno. Maybe I gotta keep it cool too until the date. I just wish I had some clarity if this is normal behavior or I'm making something out of nothing. I know no one can guess what's going through her head but any help would ease my anxiety right now

Is this normal behavior for a girl you asked out and who said yes to a date?
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