Ignoring and being jealous, how it comes together?


Introduction. Long story short. There is a girl I used to talk, nothing really special, normal sometimes flirty conversations. And I felt she might be the one for me, so I kinda came out and said her that I like her a lot.

As you can see I'm here so the things didn't go well, she rejected me "I like you, but this is one way feelings, so lets just be really good friends". Accepted that, but from that day everything changed, we barely had a conversation. Yes, at first I disappeared for like a month to handle myself. But later on she acted cold to my texts or even left me on "seen" (I'm not a maniac, it's more like"How you doing?" texts once a month). Well I understand she was not interested in me and why she should keep talking to me if she still isn't and I was "gone" immediately after rejection.

And now jealousy come in. The city we both live in is not so big, so time to time we bump into each other on our nights out. Then she acts nice to me, at least treating me like a friend (small talk and continue on our own evening) i would say, until she sees me with other girls then she just stare at me or girls I'm being with (my friends confirmed that on several occasions). Yes somewhere deep down in my hart I still like her, but ignoring thing pulling me away from giving another shot to do something what can turn things my way. But also why she is ignoring and being jealous at the same time?

Ignoring and being jealous, how it comes together?
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