Why does she send me snaps with just a :( in the middle if the night?


A girl I dated that lost interest but we still have contact through snapchat sends me a snap at like 3 in the morning with just a :( like every night she has been out at the club and gets home. I’ve asked why she is sad and the only answer I got was that she felt lonely… so I asked if she wanted me to pick her up or something but she never answered that but instead just sent a normal “wake up snap” the next day.
This have happened several times, so now I automatically wakes up at around 3 every night I know she is out and then I wait for that snap to come, and it almost always comes.

Quite often when she is out we send flirty snaps to eachother… cause she is tipsy and if I don’t have anything better to do why not have some fun sending flirty snaps. But yesterday I wasn’t feeling so great so I didn’t put an effort into snaping with her… just like sent a “looking hot” to a selfie she sent when she was about to go out… then didn’t send her more than just answering with selfies.

Then she came home at 3… sent me a :( and I asked what’s wrong but I didn’t get any response at all until today morning and that was just the normal “wake up” snap that’s a picture taken from her bed pointing at her window…

Why does she send me snaps with just a :( in the middle if the night?
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