I was sexually abused by a female doctor when I was 8 years old, and no one believed me. What can I do to recover?

The female doctor (who abused me) worked in a very reputable hospital near my school (which was an all-boys school). So, she recieved a lot of patients (all boys) from my school and all of them were underage because the age of graduation at my school was 16-17.

Long story short, I only realized that I was sexually abused when I got older like 13-14 and learnt what sexual activities were. I immediately told my parents and lodged a complaint against the doctor.. but there was no proof or evidence to put against the doctor... it was just my words against hers... my school supported the doctor and said that she had been working with them for a long time and never had any complaints... I was shocked! They told me "only girls can get abused" and my parents agreed with them. I was heartbroken and cried for days...

Now I'm 24 and that female doctor still works for the same hospital in partnership with the all-boys school.

I can never enter a hospital again without thinking about what happened to me when I was 8, and because of this, I unfortunately cannot afford to trust female doctors anymore.
It's not misogyny. It's trauma that has scarred me for life.

Now whenever I go to the hospital, I specifically ask for a male nurse and a male doctor but they say there are none available. I am soo traumatized that I can never trust a female medical professional ever again!
I was sexually abused by a female doctor when I was 8 years old, and no one believed me. What can I do to recover?
I was sexually abused by a female doctor when I was 8 years old, and no one believed me. What can I do to recover?
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