Why does this group of girls always try to bring me down and act toxic towards me?


these three girls used to make fun of me at first in a friendly annoying way, which I was never a fan of and i would just ignore them. They then started to act very toxic towards everything I did. I barely speak to this group of girls, and I still just ignore what ever they do, but im curious, as to why they do this. They try to bring me down no matter what I do. Even if I do something with absolute perfection, they comment negatively and talk down, even though these girls could never do whatever it is I just did. Even just in general, they try to talk to me like I am sub-human, and act extremely toxic, even though I dont even want to talk to these girls, nor do I actually initiate conversation with them, they take their time to be toxic towards me. And one time I told them to f*ck off and I let my anger take control, and they start throwing up the victim card, so I have just ignored them since. Why do they do this

I am very confused as to why they do this, can anyone explain.

Why does this group of girls always try to bring me down and act toxic towards me?
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