Why is the average modernday western woman more adept at being a "b****" to be blunt demanding respect rather than a woman worthy of respect?


I'm not western by birth, I just live here.

But I've noticed a trend among western women. They're more a bitch, and a loudmouthed one at that, demanding respect rather than women worthy of respect.


As example yesterday I was leaving the bank & held open a door for a woman about my age - mid 30s. Walked right through. No thanks, no smile, nothing. I could've been her slave.

I turned around and said "you're welcome" and her response was "what's your problem".

She was dressed in typical mid-level work clothes. More than likely a receptionist or maybe an admin assistant. Nothing in her hands, no obvious means of being distracted.


I give that example because this is how many western women act. Not just towards other women but oftentimes towards men. Comically

a) I probably make three maybe even four times her income as an industry specialist but I assume she thought herself better because I was wearing track pants


b) I always say thank you, etc. when talking to others. I never feel obligated or demand respect and for that reason I earn respect from all sorts of people.

8 mo
A similar aspect of western women is they act & dress like whores and demand respect... why when they don't even respect themselves?
Why is the average modernday western woman more adept at being a "b****" to be blunt demanding respect rather than a woman worthy of respect?
10 Opinion