Am I reading too far into things with my best friend?


Ok, to start I was homeschooled till 2nd year of high-school. I didn't have any concept of social clues because of this so making friends was and still is kind of hard. I also haven't recently tried to pursue relationships and have focused on my career and self up until the beginning of this year. Im still somewhat oblivious as to knowing if im getting hit on. I've had some one night stands and a few dates but nothing has ever stuck.

I met this girl in high school we were both awkward etc and hit it off over mutual shows etc. Well fast forward a few years. We have become best friends and almost inseparable. I invited her to my yearly vacation trip to see my family. She has always wanted to come back after meeting my mom in high school so I figured why not?

My grandparents don't have a spare room so we slept on the couch. The couch is a big L sectional that has a pullout bed that my grandmother insisted we used. A couple nights into being there we're sitting there talking about life etc. Then I said something she hit me I hit her back playfully before anyone says abuse. We started wrestling around and then after we stopped we're both sitting there and she grabs my hand and puts it around her neck, and smiles. We both laugh and then lay down, and go to bed.

We cuddle and stuff when she stays over at my house and watches TV. There seems to be very little boundaries here. she's even playfully bit me before. I wouldn't even be asking this question if she didn't have a boyfriend of a few years. I'm just confused, I've asked a few of my co workers and stuff about this and they all say to go for it. But it all seems weird to me. Like I'm trying to convince myself there is something there when there isn't? Maybe it's just my inexperience in this type of stuff. Help me out here lol

Am I reading too far into things with my best friend?
2 Opinion