Girls, is it okay for me to ask if a girl (who I've been talking to for 4 months) is still interested in me?

i am a 21 year old male who goes away to college 4 hours away. i met a 21 year old girl who is from the college town. we have been "talking" for 4 months now. "talking" meaning going on dates a couple times a week, going out to the bars together on weekends, spending nights together, and sleeping with each other. we have both been open with each other that we want to work up to a serious relationship. we are on winter break now and i am home 4 hours away from her. the week before break we went from talking all the time to, once break started, she has become kind of distant. i asked her if something was up and she replied with "ive been busy working, i sometimes just forget to text back, sometimes there's not much to talk about, and were far away from each other so we can't make plans or anything". I get the vibes that she is just pulling away from me and got the hint to give her space. I've left her alone since break started because i figure that she would reach out when she's free. she has replied to a couple of my snapchat stories in the beginning of break but kept it short. i texted her wishing her nothing but the best and that i miss her and im excited to see her when break is over for Christmas and new years and her replies didn't seem to match my energy. she didn't say she missed me back at all either time but she did say see you soon. i haven't texted her since and she has not attempted to reach out to me since (its been 2 and a half weeks since our last real convo). im not sure if im reading too much into it but she seems to be distancing herself from me or maybe even lost interest. im going to continue giving her space until break is over and then see where things go from there. i like to have very up front honest conversations about my issues with people just so i can get a proper answer rather than sitting around and trying to figure it out by myself. im just not sure how to ask without sounding crazy, needy or pushy or anything. any advice?
Girls, is it okay for me to ask if a girl (who I've been talking to for 4 months) is still interested in me?
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