What kind of male personality type do most women go for nowadays?


Pretend that for all of these personality examples that all these men have equal: intelligence, money, etc. They all are independent, have above average paying jobs (but not rich), etc.

These guys are all 7 out of 10 physical looks wise too. Semi good looking but none of them are exactly Ryan Goslings. Only differentiating favor is their personalities.

Which personality would most women go for nowadays? I did include advantages and disadvantages to each type.

The loud mouth overconfident asshole (he can be very funny at times and it’s usually to someone else’s expense). Has lots of “friends” but very few or no true close friends.
The subtle manipulative prick type. Not loud but won’t hesitate to slight anyone including other men to impress women. His humor usually comes via subtlety slights at people. He seems to always know “what’s going on”.
The idealist. He displays chivalry and hard work ethics. He lacks a sense of humor and often puts women on a pedal stool. He’s protective and honest but has little/no sense of humor though. Can be naive.
The modern progressive type. A supporter of feminism. Will agree with women on anything regardless if it’s fair or not. Often goes to protests and is politically active. No genuine sense of humor. But will “jump on the bandwagon” for jokes the please feminists/progressives.
The tough quiet stoic type. Never says more then he has to. Almost never shows his emotions (except occasional anger). Very hard to know what he is thinking. He’s mentally tough and highly competent. Not funny though and bit of a loner. Hates small talk.
The crazy yet fun unpredictable type. He’s bipolar. He weird at times but then shocks everyone with crazy adventures, performances, ideas. Very creative. He’s very interesting but not famous nor a celebrity.
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What kind of male personality type do most women go for nowadays?
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