How do girls converse with guys they like?


Sorry if the question was worded poorly but I need help. I’ve got this coworker I’ve kind of been talking to but I can’t get a read on if she likes me or not. She seems to flirt a lot but over text she’s hot and cold (she’ll reach out about random shit and talk to me all day and then not talk to me the next day)

Anyway, yesterday she called out of work sick and I texted her asking what she had because there’s been a bug goin around. She listed all her symptoms and what she was taking for it, then I made a joke about her needing to take a flint stones vitamin and she turned that into a whole convo about how those were “her shit” as a kid.

That was yesterday but today she was pretty dry. I don’t really flirt with her or act needy or anything so I don't know if that hurts me or what

Whats y’all’s take? I know this post is everywhere but I’m just confused with her behavior. Feel free to ask for more context or whatever but I need serious responses

How do girls converse with guys they like?
1 Opinion