Why is she talking crap?

My boyfriend baby mom is online, facebook telling all of her friends on there that i've been watching her for 11 months over her baby's father when he supposedly has other women that he's dealing with. and that she wants to know why I'm steady watching her over him when she's not even with him nor had spoken to him in 9 month's. Why is she talking so much crap? yes, i did drive pass her recently to see if he was with her. But he was down the street from her house with his guy friend. Then she said, "why are these 2 females (her son dad girlfriend and Me) watching me over my kids dads when I'm with someone else". Ending it with "these women out here are sick".. As if nobody can't watch to see what's going on. I can watch whoever. I don't care if they aren't together. I want to see it for myself.
Why is she talking crap?
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