How do I get my friend to stop going back to this toxic guy?


My best friend is the sweetest, kindest person alive which also makes a idiot at times because she sees the good in everyone even when there is no good and constantly gets taken advantage of.

There's this one guy at our work I can not stand for the life of me. Before I met my bestie this guy used to follow me around and act really strange around me even though he had a girlfriend at the time who was also extremely sweet and kind. I eventually told him to fuck off and leave me alone. It later came out but he was abusing his girlfriend and the police came to arrest him at work she later dropped her everything against him but got a restraining order but she had to leave work not him.

Then my bestie comes along and I find out she's been talking to this guy.

May I add this guy is Muldovian and I know what SOME eastern europen men think of British women but we are easy and just there for abit of fun and they do not respect or value us as people but she's blinded by all the attention.

The foreign men love to flirt with British girls but that doesn't mean they want something serious. All the girls at work get them in there DMs not just her but we chose to ignore them.

The thing is my bestie is a big girl and doesn't have much self worth when it come to men. She wouldn't date a over weight guy herself but expects fit guys to date her. So the hot guys who are interested are usually only interested because every other girl sees but just because they are hot doesn't mean they are a good person.

She will simp out for these guys especially this Muldovian she drives him around, takes days of to take hin Airport etc yet he lies to her constantly and plays games with her feelings.

They have done sexual stuff but not actually sex and it's the first guy she's ever been with in that way. This time he's really hurt her and now she's talking as if she wanna take him back again. I'm there when she crying on the phone.

3 mo
I've tried to tell her everything about his past but it's like he's brainwashed her she believes all his lies about what happened and won't have anything bad said about him even though he's scum and he's just putting on s prince charming act on in front of her.

He knows I'm not stupid and can see throw the bs and even has the balls to show his ture self in front of me and others because he knows if we tell her she won't believe us.

I've been on the phone with her when he hurts her
3 mo
She says she's in love with him but it's only because he's giving her attention. His room mate even tried it on with her but she pushed him off. He blames her for it and says he can't trust her now even though I know he probably told his room mate and his friends but she's easy and that's why his room mate did what he did and he's just playing game with her
How do I get my friend to stop going back to this toxic guy?
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