Dear ladies, why don't you take accountability for the men you choose?

a lot of these women will blame men saying oh he's just using me for sex now I'm pregnant he won't take care of the kid, yet a lot of women make poor choices in men and put sex on the table before building a bond.
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2 mo
Ladies, ladies, all I see is excuses in the comments lol. Women see the red flags upfront but ignore them. If a man is inconsistent while dating, hot and cold, cheats and abuse you he's not going to be a good father. Men see these simple things upfront yet still ask ," should I text him? Should I call? What Happened? Do u think he still like me?" Like no. Yet you guys still think by having sex it will keep a man who doesn't like you
Dear ladies, why don't you take accountability for the men you choose?
27 Opinion