What do you make of these signs?


It seems like it's hard to tell if a girl likes you or is just friendly. This is about a specific girl, but I've tried to make it objective / third person.

If a girl exhibits the following behaviours, what would you assume, given her personality is more extroverted?

  • Coming into physical space while sat beside each other, e. g. shoulders touching, legs touching when there's available space to avoid this;
  • She makes and holds eye contact during conversations;
  • She tells you about things that happen in her life, and asks about things in yours (e. g. how was your weekend, what did you do yesterday, etc)
  • She doesn't tease, but she'll respond to teasing playfully - e. g. sticking middle finger up and smiling;
  • She's playful with you, ie. playing games trying to make you guess something;
  • When she talks to you, she'll face you usually with her whole body directed towards you;
  • She often initiates and carries the conversation by asking questions and engaging;
  • In short 5 minute breaks between lessons, she'll stay seated and talk with you even though her friends went out of the room (ie. she doesn't go with them);
  • She'll often lean in to you to see what you're doing, e. g. classwork;
  • When something funny happens, she looks at you (and you look at her, almost like it's an inside joke/thing) with a sort of look of disbelief (hard to explain, but I guess if you know you know);


  • She forgets things about you, like your birthday (but somehow remembers other things) until prompted and then she has a realisation of remembrance;
  • She's not entirely focused on you constantly, she'll sometimes be talking to her other friends and this involves turning her back from you periodically;
  • Despite the 1st point in this post, she'll make other physical contacts but pull back and apologise (e. g. accidentally kicking/brushing you when moving her foot)
What do you make of these signs?
2 Opinion