Why do young women misinterpret a guy's words?


I'm not just talking about the ridiculous "What does it mean when a guy says (such and such)?" questions. I mean in general, and I say young women because I very rarely have a conversation with women my age or older where they misinterpret me. Or even another guy for that matter. It's like the younger women are not listening or comprehending you right, and they will perceive something in your words that is completely unrelated to them, or take what you said out of context entirely.

I was talking to a female friend on Instagram, we were chatting about our parents, friendships, and relationships, and she tells me about her own relationship situation. Next time she replied she got something completely twisted out of what I said, as if she seriously was not reading what I wrote or not comprehending it. She thought I was in some way attacking her where no such implication existed in my response. And why would I insult someone I'm supposed to be friends with?

Why do the young women do this? Why do they have a habit of misinterpreting things you say and create friction out of it?

Why do young women misinterpret a guys words?
Why do young women misinterpret a guy's words?
15 Opinion