Is she into me or not? Is there a chance?

So I approached this girl I liked in college and introduced myself to both her and her friend. And from there, the second time I approached her she looked interested. I mean eye contact, smiles, and all that. I was happy. The third time it was awkward. I was nervous but tried not to show it. But I gave her my number told her to text me. She never did.

I stopped talking to her. I returned to talking to her again, but this time she looked nervous; like she was fidgeting, and she would abruptly let out a tiny laugh. She was smiling while we were talking. Long story short, what I noticed is that she would sometimes look else where and return back to me. Like the kind of look you would make when being distracted or looking for an exit. I asked her if she was free on X day and she said yes. I told her to text me yet again, but didn't mention her not texting me the first time. I also flirted with her a few times and when I would do that, for the most part she would just be staring at me. Problem is our conversations die quickly. She just does answer well when I would ask her, and does engage and tells me stuff about herself, but she doesn't ask me. Today came and she still didn't text me even though I told her to. I really want to take things further, but I'm so confused. On the one hand she seems open to talk to me, smiles and engages in the conversation, and it seems that she wants me to talk to her, and she looks a little nervous, but on the other hand, she doesn't ask me questions about myself and sometimes her eyes would look elsewhere when we're together and she still didn't text me and I asked her twice to do so since I want to take things further. What do you think?

Is she into me or not? Is there a chance?
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