GAG Emotions Chart


GAG Emotions Chart

😡That one person who has to undo your whole my take

😂When readers go completely off topic and you are just sitting there wondering how on earth does that connect to my question

😒When noone even answers period

😣When you state your opinion and the asker flips and you thought you did it nicely

😌When you totally relate

😭When someone just is nasty pparticularily to someone else

😫When you get a great answer but it is anonymous

😎When you get the MHO

😢When you dont get the MHO

😦 When you see someone making the same mistakes you have done

😘When you want to hug that person who is hurt or have that advice you needed

👓When you see someone flip out towards one gender and you be like Hell we ain't all the same but I know why you single

😕When you relize that they have a mine just as dirty as you and you be like well....

😬When you get weird messages

Congratulations end of myTake!!


GAG Emotions Chart
12 Opinion