5 Simple Ways to Always Land a Girl

5 simple ways to always land a girl.

First and foremost about looks. That's just a plus. But if you feel like an uggo not to worry follow these simple tests and you're going out with the girl "out of your league".

1. A comedian

If there is one true fact about women. It's they want to laugh! They love it. You don't necessarily have to be a comedian chuck full of jokes. I found being a goofball is just as good. All you need to do is work on getting that smile on her face everything time she sees you. You do that. Congrats you're in.

2. The Listener

Girls Love To Talk. I mean love to talk. Not a bad thing. I myself love talking. But here is the tricky part. Pay attention to what she says. When a girl talks beauty comes out. Her ideas, thoughts, hopes, dreams, desires, opinions. If she is telling you all these things it's because she trusts you. Don't be that guy that just nods and say uh huh. Females are the smarter race of the human race. They will follow up with "what did I just say?" If you stumble on your answer. Poor kid. Remember a good listener makes eye contact and connects with the speaker. Connect with her bro. It won't hurt and if you don't understand ask and she will gladly explain girls love to talk remember.

3. Compliments

This is is tricky. In my experience not all girls like a compliment up front. Heck some don't want any at all unless they are in a committed relationship. But here is my way of getting around it. Actions speak louder than words. Holding doors, cleaning a equipment from your local gym, holding her books not because she can't but because you respect her. That's what I'm going for. Giving a girl respect is the highest compliment for her. You're viewing her as an equal. You're saying yes you're a woman but I respect everything you do. Respect her fellas you're in congrats.

4. Dress code.

Fellas believe it or not girls are not always into the fit and muscular and chubby guy all the all time. Girls love fashion. They love to dress for all occasions. That being said they don't want their man dressing like a bum, a child, or even sometimes like a girl. Believe me when I say some dudes dress like girls. Skinny jeans? Wtf are those? Anyway. If you can prove to her your sense of style is on point. Then congrats you're in. Oh and a secret hint. Every girl is different. Get to the girl and study her. I've met girls who only like men in suits, others men in denim jeans and tee shirts. Every girl has her taste in what guys wear. Get to know it. Her.

5. When on doubt be a gentlemen.

Gender roles still exist my friends. And girls like a men who is well mannered, polite, understanding, manly, sensitive but not overly, respectful, honest, committed and smart, faithful and loving girls like loving. A gentlemen my friends. Isn't hard to become all you need is patience and a little love.

Bonus one:

Be a hopeless romantic

This one is probably the most important one. And for the guys on relationships

Be random about it and keep the flames going. Remember relationship is a flame. If you don't keep it ablaze then what happens. It dies. Keep the fire going. It takes two. Be romantic fellas and you're in congrats.

I hope this my take helps you. My bros. God bless you all :)

5 Simple Ways to Always Land a Girl
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