New GAG Update: Tags According to Your Behavior!

GirlsAskGuys a

Are you a helpful GAGer or actually an Xper Hunter? It's time for our community to find out who you really are! We have integrated a brand new service in our platform; you will now be tagged according to your GAG behavior!

Sebabot will assess your behavior and assign the perfect label for you.

New GAG Update: Tags According to Your Behavior!

Are you being a smartass today? Or maybe a drama queen or king? Our new Artificial Intelligence, Sebabot, will examine the opinions you write and set a different tag for you every time you share a post!

Now everyone's true self will be revealed!

New GAG Update: Tags According to Your Behavior!

On your posts, you will see the tag specified for you according to the opinion you wrote next to your username. What's more, you can see the labels of all the other GAG members too and share opinions and comments according to their label to keep the entertainment going!

We hope you all enjoy your new "behavior labels" on GAG! 😉

***Happy April Fools' Day! As many of you already figured out, this was just a joke. We had a great time reading all of your reactions and we hope you had fun with it too!***

:D :D :D

New GAG Update: Tags According to Your Behavior!
205 Opinion