Why some men will be unable to love girls completely later on in life


Due to the genetics they were born with, the teaching their parent give them, and the personality they are naturally inclined with. Some men will have a rough time in the dating scene with women.

They usually are average/below average look wise and not 6'0

Why some men will be unable to love girls completely later on in life

They've been told by media and their mothers to treat girls with respect, be nice, and even hear girls after getting pump and dump so much that they need a nice guy. So they become nice guys but that isn't good enough. When women say they want nice guys they mean attractive, rich, successful guys who will treat them nice. So now these guys adopt the asshole approach as they see some of success. Some will see susccess and continue on this part others will fail in this endeaver still and revert back to their old natural state.

For those who maintain their integrity to not change themselves for pussy. They'll still be treated badly by women in the dating scene. Some of these girls will blatantly be harsh in their rejection, others will come up with the dumbass lies that anyone whose not retard can pick up, others will act indifferent and show no interest even in casual conversation to you when your reaching out on a topic you both love.

This isn't exclusive to bitches, girls who say they are good girls often treat guys who try to approach women with respect at best as asexual friends and at worst ignore them.

Why some men will be unable to love girls completely later on in life

So now many men in their 20's are left with a vacant heart. What was once filled with the opportunity to love is filled with regret of missed opportunity to meet a girl in their youth, spend time together and have fond memories of having a relationship.

Why some men will be unable to love girls completely later on in life

Now all that remains is bitter resentment, and regret. Some guys are able to get pass this resentment but they'll always remember the mistreatment.

Why some men will be unable to love girls completely later on in life

Now the other side of formula. Many of these men often give up on dating women or spend less time on women and focus on getting money/furthering their education and career.

Why some men will be unable to love girls completely later on in life

Fast forward to late 20's and many of the girls who were outright bitches to them or treated them as asexual males are now wanting to pursue them for relationships.and treating them the same way they use to with other men.

Why some men will be unable to love girls completely later on in life

Some of these guys are happy with the female attention they get and take the girl at this time. However, for those who aren't clueless of the nature of women many of them will no that deep down that this women does not love him and the relationship is more on security and stability for her.

Others wil date women who are younger but they again no that the only reason the girl is with him is for his money.

Why some men will be unable to love girls completely later on in life

So in the end the men who are not totally oblivious to women nature and who get screwed over in dating until they have enough money to be deemed good enough by women to date will always have a mistrust. Even if a girl says "I love you for you" or has sex with him 100x or even acts head over heels crazy for him.

Why some men will be unable to love girls completely later on in life

He will never 100% give his heart to her because he knows that deep down she would never have been with him when he was just a broke college student doing classes and trying to get by.

[They are the male equivalent to girls who keep getitng pump and dumped by men]

Why some men will be unable to love girls completely later on in life
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