How do I become a Real Man?

Growing up as a little boy, you watched movies, tv shows and cartoons about superman, batman, and other heroes. After watching it, if you had brothers or sisters close to your age, I would bet money that you dressed up, or used whatever items you could to represent the weapons or clothing of the superhero. You loved the idea of beating up the bad guy, saving the world, and saving the girl. You probably didn't want to rescue the girl for the same reason the hero did in the movie, but you still wanted to save her. I can remember as a young boy knowing that I would protect my mom. If she was in trouble or danger, I would be there. If there was a bad guy, I wouldn't be scared of him, and would jump in between them without even thinking.

As you grew older, maybe a lot of these feelings were ignored or pushed down until they disappeared. You never really had an opportunity to save the pretty girl. You were never asked to save the world. Your phone never rang, with a voice on the other line saying, "I need your help, you're the only one that can do it." As we progressed through life, you were forced to face reality. The world is full of bad guys, full of wrong doing, but there is no batman suit in your basement, or superman uniform underneath your clothes. You're just a normal guy, in a normal city, going to a normal school or a normal job, living basically a normal life. But every once in a while, we'll go to a movie, or watch a tv show, where for 30 minutes or a couple hours, you are a hero. It just might be a movie to the girls in the room, but for you, it's an opportunity to let your mind wander, and imagine yourself beating up the bad guys, saving the girl, and saving the world.

I don't know about other guys, but I still have those dreams. I want to be in the right place at the right time, and be able to save a pretty girl. I hope that someday, I have the opportunity to save someone's life. I play out in my mind about stopping a bank robbery. I sit and think of details or situations, and how I would react. Deep in my heart, I ask myself, "would I really do that? If a gun was pulled, or pointed in my face, would I really react? Would I have the guts to do something, or am I still just fantasizing like a little boy?" I think that a lot of guys ponder that question. Maybe not specific situations or details, or maybe to the magnitude that I do. But I know that every guy asks themselves, "Am I... A REAL MAN?"

So how do you become a real man? I mean, you can't be a super hero. You can't be like Maximus or William Wallace or any of the other guys on tv or in movies. There typically aren't bad guys to beat up, no real chances to prove ourselves. Have you ever wondered why we as men have these feelings? Why is it that we want to be the hero? Why do we want to save the girl and save the world? Why do men have this fantasy role engrained in us that really never goes away? Is there any way to really live out this fantasy in real life?

And the more I think about it, the more I realize that we might not have the same fight as some of those characters, but we have the same principles, and fight for the same reason. We need to realize that our fights not be physical as in beating up a bad guy, but we still face small battles between right and wrong everyday. Every day we are faced with decisions on whether we should lie, cheat, or maybe steal. We face decisions on how we treat women, or people we work with, go to school with, or see throughout our day. And we need to realize that being a real man starts within. It starts with our heart. If you think about the REAL men that I've discussed, they were REAL MEN inside, before they became REAL MEN on the outside. If you take away their principles and morals, then they wouldn't be the same person. They could easily be swayed by whatever. But what made them real men, is that they couldn't be swayed, because they were ALWAYS honest, loyal, and ALWAYS stood for what is right.

The way it goes with anything in life. How you handle small situations, determines how you handle big situations. Sure we all want to be a hero and save the day. But if we don't do what's right in small situations, there is no way we will in big situations. Someone that lies about small things, will lie about big things. Someone that steals small things, will steal big things. You look at people who win the lottery, and are broke a few months later, and you wonder how in the world they can win millions, and be broke. The reason is, is that they couldn't manage small amounts of money, so there was no way they could manage a large amount of money. So before we are placed in a real, big, true hero situation, we have to be battle tested with small things.

If you always stand for what is right, no matter what, then you won't be swayed by other things. You won't be swayed by money, fame, possessions, or anything else. The reason that heroes are heroes, is because they did what was right, in spite of everything else. Doing what is right was more important then anything else. If to you, money is more important then what is right, then you will always choose money over what is right. If fame or possessions or anything else is more important then truth, loyalty and the right thing, then you will choose the possessions and fame over what is right every time. That is why it is so crucial in order to be a hero to start with the heart. You have to make the decision that above all, you will do what is right. You have to start on the inside, and do the right thing, even in the smallest matters. Once you do this, you will be prepared to handle bigger and harder situations, no matter what the consequences.

Now you may never save the world, or rescue a fair maiden. But you might have the opportunity to save someone from a fire, or to rescue someone in help. The thing with life is that we never know what tomorrow brings. We can only control what is going on right now. But who we are tomorrow, is a result of the decisions we make today. We can prepare for what tomorrow brings, if we always do the right thing.
How do I become a Real Man?
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