What Girls Like In A Guy Besides His Appearance


Based on this previous Take, I write a Take about what girls like in a guy besides his appearance.

What Girls Like In A Guy Besides His Appearance

Body Odor

It seems to be empirically documented that body odor plays a role in sexual attraction for heterosexual women who are in the most fertile period in their menstrual cycles. However, it does not apply to women who are in less fertile periods of the menstrual cycle and women who are on hormonal contraceptives.

Social Graces

Men and women should exhibit proper social graces. Social graces help build relationships and make people like you. People like people who have a charming personality.

What Girls Like In A Guy Besides His Appearance


Based on my observations of the female comments on GirlsAskGuys, I think females want males to live independently, more than vice versa, or they will start attributing negative characteristics to the males who live with Mom and Dad. However, some cultures may value having aging parents living with the grown son in the son's own home, and the home may be inherited from the aging parents, so it's like the son has never left the childhood home.


When people are confident, they know what they are doing and what they want. They are not afraid to admit their true motivations. Confidence boosts attractiveness, because it makes people straightforward and not use mind games.

What Girls Like In A Guy Besides His Appearance

Strong Moral Compass

I don't think any woman wants to be abused in a relationship with a man. Therefore, a strong moral compass is critical in selecting the man. Some men may appear older and wiser, but they act like boys, hooking up with prostitutes, gambling, drinking alcohol, smoking, and eating junk food. Those are long-time evils and signs of addiction.

What Girls Like In A Guy Besides His Appearance
19 Opinion