The Stupidity of the MGTOW Movement!

The Stupidity of the MGTOW Movement!

MGTOW stands for "Men Going Their Own Way". In their defiance, they scorn women and speak of "preserving male sovereignty above all else".

The Stupidity of the MGTOW Movement!

The fringe idea is a reaction to the rise of the Feminist movements. The MGTOW movement is necessary, only as Darth Vader was needed to bring balance to the force of the universe.

The problem is not the generalization of all women, for while wrong, it is easier to do this than give an exception to every rule. The problem is not bitterness of past relationships, for there is nothing wrong with past experiences impacting how one sees the world, and there is nothing wrong with having strong feelings.


The problem with the MGTOW movement is its utter stupidity. The movement is equivalent to a gerbil eating its own young. Not only do they reject some generalize perceived ways of women, but they use derogatory language like "cunt" and other insults. Rather than expanding their movt. base, they reject half of the population and even insult liberals.

The problem is their solution to preserving masculinity is to reject all relationships with women, without concluding with their myopic vision, that without women they wouldn't even exist.

Not only are these angry, white, male, conservative, MGTOWs fearing of the growing prominence of our women in society, but they reject the idea of policies that will enhance their goals. Maybe if they marched with us for equal pay, there would be less gold diggers and more women independent in society? Maybe, if they participated in raising healthy daughters rather than scorning alimony?

The Stupidity of the MGTOW Movement!

The problem is they think that their hatred of women is a result of genetics, rather than a manifestation of changing culture trends over centuries. The problem is not a woman's nature, the problem is the Disney princess culture that destroys children by age 3. Perhaps you could focus on raising stronger daughters? Or you could move to China and have one gender of children instead.

The Stupidity of the MGTOW Movement!
69 Opinion