A Response to "The Case for MGTOW"


Look it's tough. We're in a between period where there's a cross-pollination between the old and new models of life. Men have got the hard end of the stick in a lot of ways. It's actually not productive to blame feminism because a large amount of your issues stem from the older way of life.

- divorce court rulings are a result of a time period in which women did not work and had the primary responsibility of raising children. It's outdated but fixable

- false rape charges are difficult because of the nature of the crime, but false rape charges are actually exceedingly rare.

- #METOO is a legitimate movement showing the universality of sexual assault and rape amongst women, It didn't start to claim all men are rapists.

- the Domestic violence shelter thing and jail time does shit me though, I believe this is a legitimate problem but it has roots in a very patriarchal way of thinking

What I don't understand about these points is they are systemic, societal issues, ones that need campaigning and can be fixed through social change. Swearing off women does nothing but make you more bitter, and prone to generalise 50% of the population. If you really cared you'd try to petition, talk with parliamentarians, make charities and groups supporting your cause that could actually do some good. Plus don't act like men don't tie up women in difficult positions in court, not just with divorces but other kinds of legal proceedings.

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The single parent families are treated like this epidemic of selfish women and how it should be stopped, but pretty much every case i've heard of, the situation wasn't due to a spiteful woman trying to gain money but due to the incompetence of one of the parties. I've heard of, the partner dying, the partner being an addict, the partner being abusive, the partner leaving for another family, the partner being arrested. These are not the parent's fault. Yes single households are not ideal, but until you perfect the human race, there is always gonna be a problem.

Your next point is subjective. There might be a certain element of truth to this but I can see it as such a big issue. If it was i'd here my male friends complain, my boyfriend complain, my male family friends complain, but they don't. Changing a social environment is very difficult because it's an organic being, you can't just instate policies that force people to speak in a certain way without being authoritarian. You're also being deliberately deceitful saying women who use men for money are not called out for it, they're called gold diggers, which last time I checked wasn't a positive term and isn't treated well within the general community. Women's only spaces are admittedly kinda dumb (there's one on my University campus), but in some situations they are necessary. Japan's female only trains and hotel floors are a response to the massive levels of sexual assault in the country. You also have a really fucked up view of the women's movement. "Women won" yes we did, and as a result we are legally and a lot more socially equal to men. Are you against that?

This is something that really grinds my gears. The idea that women cannot be bad. This idea is just as much a product of misogyny than feminism, because women were always put on a kind of moral pedestal. Also last time I checked "traditional" men are the main ones that devalue male sexual assault and predatory female behaviour. Same goes for you're hatred of the "manning up" concept, it's not women doing this the majority of the time, it's other men.

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You're acting like every relationship is going to end badly. Sometimes there are divorces, but plenty can be relatively amicable and can be the result of male wrongdoing. You're contradicting yourself because you say that you hate that women are generalised to be "good" but then generalise again and say women are all bad and will take all your money and divorce you. Relationships are a lottery for everyone, some will be good, some will be bad, it's the luck of the draw unfortunately but that's life, it's not somehow easier for women, men fuck us over too.

I'm not saying work doesn't need to be done, I support wholeheartedly trying to fix the justice system, male suicide rates and trying to find a space for male identity but MGTOW ain't the way to fix it.

A Response to "The Case for MGTOW"
114 Opinion