How to tell if a guy likes you?


You're at home and you just finished your day. You then think, does he like me? All of us have at least once thought of this phrase, unless you never liked anyone. I'd like to try and help all the girls by answering the question: Does he like me?

1) He initiates most conversations

He wants to know more about you as a person!

2) He all of a sudden becomes friends with your best friends

He could be generally be good friends with your friends, or he likes you!

3) His pupils dilate

When this guy is around you, look at his pupils. Are they large? If so, his pupils are dilated.

4) His feet point towards you

In a conversation, does his feet point towards you? This isn't always the case so if he is one time and this time they didn't don't worry.

5) He tries to make you laugh

Jokes or silly behaviour

How to tell if a guy likes you?

6) He asks about you

7) He stares at you or he looks at you then looks away

Sometimes, he may even be trying to see you at the side of his eye, trying not to make it obvious he likes you

8 ) He's around all the time

Whenever it's group conversations or just near you!

9) He laugh and smiles in your presence

10) He compliments you or says "You're laughing at me?"

I hoped this helped!

Still not sure? Ask in the comments!

How to tell if a guy likes you?
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