The "Nice" Guys: Who Are They?


Nice guys are...nice.


These guys give without expecting anything in return. This is also the guy that gets walked all over and doesn't mind a bit. They tend to be the ones that are taken advantage of the most. Friends see their genuine niceness and depend on him a lot. Nice guys can vary in multiple ways, but in the end fall in either one of three categories: The attention-seeking, the shy guy, or the fake nice guy. But no matter what type:


Attention-Seeking Nice Guys

The main reason these guys are so often nice is because they seek approval. They are often extroverted. They are often the first to offer help. There's nothing wrong with looking for attention, right?


The Shy Nice Guys

These guys are introverted as the name may suggest. They will often go off the radar to avoid any negative attention. No attention is better than bad attention. They are often the biggest self-critics. These guys are the last to initiate anything, but will gladly help if asked.


The Fake Nice Guys

This is the type that gives all nice guys a bad name. I personally hate this type. What I said about nice guys does not apply to them. They are very manipulative and controlling. They will only do "nice" things if they can benefit from it in some way. If you find this guy trying to sneak up in your life, leave immediately.


And that's all folks. I hope this helped you on your quest to find nice guys. Everyone can use nice guy in their life. Peace out!

The "Nice" Guys: Who Are They?
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