Girls of GAG: The Truth about Cat-Calling


The Truth about Cat-Calling

Girls of GAG: The Truth about Cat-Calling

This MyTake was inspired by a question. I asked about Cat-Calling. I was simply amazed at the amount of guys who falsely believe girls actually like it. So, maybe hearing from multiple girls that it's not flattering or funny might help these guys to understand they are wrong.

Girls of GAG: The Truth about Cat-Calling

Cat-Calling is disgusting, and if you ever did have a chance with a girl Cat-Calling her will ruin it. Let's see what 15 Girls from GAG think about it.

The Survey

I sent out a five question survey. Here's the questions each girl was asked.

1. Do you like being Cat-Called?

2. Have you EVER liked Cat-Calling directed towards you?

3. Would you date a guy who Cat-Called at you?

4. Is Cat-Calling annoying and even scary in the right situations?

5. Anything else about Cat-Calling you want to tell these guys that think girls like it?

Girls of GAG: The Truth about Cat-Calling

The GaG Girls Answers


1. No it’s extremely annoying and disrespectful.

2. Nope.

3. Nope, it’s an instant shut down moment.

4. At the minimum it’s annoying, but it can be scary. Doing it while she’s alone and nobody is around to help, or when at night.

5. It’s disrespectful as hell. If you want to compliment us, then show some fucking courage and walk up and tell us politely. That’s how you get a positive response. You don’t just whistle and shout things at us and embarrass us like that.

Girls of GAG: The Truth about Cat-Calling


1. no

2. no

3. no

4. yes

5. Guys If you find a girl attractive just approach her like a decent human being.

Girls of GAG: The Truth about Cat-Calling


1. I prefer not to be catcalled.

2. I haven’t liked it. I may have not minded it from ages 16-18 about? But, with age and experience, I realized it was uncomfortable.

3. I can’t say for sure I wouldn’t, but the odds are very much so against it.

4. It can be annoying, and scary to some women

5. I would just say that there’s better ways to go about things. There’s cuter, more respectful, less aggressive ways to go!

Girls of GAG: The Truth about Cat-Calling


1. I don't like it

2. I've run the gamut from indifference to it all the way to being scared for my safety.

3. I wouldn't date someone who catcalled me. I generally don't give them any attention at all.

4. It's always annoying, sometimes embarrassing, and occasionally scary depending on where I am and who I'm with.

5. I'm not sure why guys catcall. It can't be to actually meet a woman because I've never met a single woman who was actually self-loathing enough to give a Cat-Caller the time of day.

Girls of GAG: The Truth about Cat-Calling


1. No!

2. No!

3. No!

4. Yes!

5. Don’t do it! At best she’ll just think you’re a douche. At worst she’ll hate you and be scared of you.

Girls of GAG: The Truth about Cat-Calling


1. No! It's degrading, it makes me feel small.

2. No!!!

3. Never.

4. I remember the first time it happened when I was alone, I was wearing a dress, slightly above the knee, I walked past some construction workers and they made a scene, hooting and hollering, whistling .....after that I did a fast walk to get away.

5. You make us feel like prey..

Girls of GAG: The Truth about Cat-Calling


1. Only if it's from a guy I'm dating/seeing (we're already in a relationship). Otherwise NO, it's degrading.

2. No

3. Probably not I would assume he's only physically attracted to me and nothing more. How is calling out to a random girl sexy or appealing?!

4. Of course! Especially, if you're alone or it's late and you turn him down or ignore him. He might pursue you, or even worse

5. How would you feel if a woman did the same to you? They only viewed you as a sex object, or harassed you for your looks? I'm pretty sure they would think we're creepy or it's unappealing.That's how women feel when men do it to them.

Girls of GAG: The Truth about Cat-Calling


1. No

2. No

3. No

4. Yes

5. "Go play with the traffic on a motorway!"

Girls of GAG: The Truth about Cat-Calling


3. No, I wouldn't date a guy who Cat-Called me. I would be cautious and fearful of harassment and rape from him. I will not date them also because I want a modest guy who is conservative and respectable.

Girls of GAG: The Truth about Cat-Calling


1. I do not like being cat called at all.

2. I did when I was 14 and didn't know any better until I realized just how many creeps there are in the world.

3. I would not date a man who cat called me.

4. Yes it is annoying and it's scary given the right circumstances

5. Here's what I tell guys: your not being "cool" or edgy. Your being a douchebag. If your friends think it's cool they're idiots.

Girls of GAG: The Truth about Cat-Calling


1. I don’t like it

2. I’ve never liked it

3. I wouldn’t

4. It’s always annoying and can be scary

5. We don’t like it. It’s objectifying us and it’s so annoying.

Girls of GAG: The Truth about Cat-Calling


1. Definitely not - it makes me feel so uncomfortable

2. No I haven’t - this could be because I feel like I’m an awkward person in general and just don’t know how to react

3. I don’t think I would no

4. More so annoying than scary. I haven’t ever felt like my life was in danger when being cat called before

5. I would tell them just not to do it. If you find a girl attractive and want her to know, there are plenty of other ways around it.

Girls of GAG: The Truth about Cat-Calling


1. No don't like being catcalled which is not the same as a man complimenting or flirting in a respectable way.

2. No

3. Highly unlikely

4. Annoying and also embarrassing for people who don't like attention called to them. It's not just the people cat calling you, other people can see hear too.

5. That they should think about how they are making that person feel.... Awkward, annoyed, scared in some situations.. And it's not a good way to show interest in someone

Girls of GAG: The Truth about Cat-Calling


1. No

2. No

3. No. Catcalling speaks levels on the type of person you are, and your attitude towards women in general.

4. It's beyond annoying. It can be scary depending on the circumstances. I've personally never felt like I was in danger, however it's always left me feeling very humiliated and degraded. That being said, I would certainly feel very uncomfortable going anywhere near a man I know to have catcalled me.

5. Don't do it. The vast majority of women do not take this as a compliment, hence why it is recognised as a form of street harassment. It does not make you seem confident, or alpha male material. If anything it has the opposite effect.

Girls of GAG: The Truth about Cat-Calling


1. No it's disgusting and shows low i.q and no social skills.

2. No it's always been disgusting and made me upset in some way. Now it just piss's me off.

3. No, never, never ever, It shows me he has shit for morals, shit for character, and doesn't respect women at all. I'd rather go out alone then with that type of guy. Gross!

Girls of GAG: The Truth about Cat-Calling

4. Scary enough I pulled a gun once on a Cat-Caller when I was along at night in a the middle of nowhere. He started running at me and yelling horrible rape type comments. Guess he picked the wrong girl ( No charges were pressed )

5. Don't do it! because someday you might come across a girl like me, and things may not go the way that you planned them to.

Girls of GAG: The Truth about Cat-Calling

Last but not least, Thank You to all the girls who participated (Whom All gave consent for me to post their names and opinions). Well guys 15/15 said No it's not cute, it's wrong. Good luck ever getting a date based on Cat-Calling from a girl above 16 years old.

Sorry to bust your ignorant bubble about girls liking Cat-Calling. Becaues as you see we don't like it. It's not flattering. It's not cute. It's pathetic and desperate behavior.

Thanks everyone for reading....

Girls of GAG: The Truth about Cat-Calling


Girls of GAG: The Truth about Cat-Calling
34 Opinion