A guy friend of mine is still good friends with his ex. They had lived together and got a dog together, so were quite serious.
However, she is in a new serious relationship now.
They still have a cell plan together and she hasn't paid her half or something so both their names remain. It's weird. I'm divorced and was able to get separated from everything. I wonder if they both keep that so there's a tie in some way.
He kept mentioning her to me "my ex, my ex," and sometimes she would be called "my friend".
I brought it up to him finally several months ago and asked if he still had feelings. He said no, and that my asking him caught him by surprise.
He hasn't mentioned her since.
But I'm cautious with him because I wonder if he still has feelings for her. He has expressed feelings for me.
Another thing he used to do was tell me how other women were attractive such as on tv. I always just agreed yes they were pretty. But he really went out of his way to say it. He stopped doing this a long time ago. I can't help but wonder why this wasn't a consistent thing.
Any insight on these behavors?
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