How to tell if a shy/inexperienced guy likes you? This is so confusing and complicated?

I am really painfully shy and the guy I like is inexperienced and somewhat shy too. He is my coworker. The thing is he is not shy around other people... just me. He is the stereotypical "nerdy" type guy. You know, into anime, video games, etc (not intending to offend anybody). He has the greatest personality and is really sweet and fun to talk to. However, I'm not the best looking irl so I don't know why he would like me.

Anyway, he showed some signs of interest before I even developed feelings. He stared at me all the time (sometimes looking away quickly, and sometimes holding his stare without smiling). He always checked to see my reaction when talking in a group and focused his attention on me, he started lots of conversations with me, seemed nervous to approach me, is really polite and helps me out (maybe just being his usual nice self), and he acted all awkward around me and not others.

But then.. I was too shy and acted disinterested. I am so mad at myself. I even ignored his greeting once. Ugh I like him so much... I think he doesn't like me back because now he hardly shows any signs of interest. I don't know if I made this all up or if he thought I wasn't interested and backed off. He still talks to me and is friendly and will approach but seems less interested and does not stare ever. I don't know if he still likes me, but he always talks to my other female coworker and is really nice and friendly with her (she's outgoing). It makes me so jealous because I know I am insecure which is another reason I kind of avoided him by accident. Meanwhile, he hardly talks to me when I'm around :( Maybe it's because he doesn't want "screw things up" more.. or he doesn't like me? What can I do now?
How to tell if a shy/inexperienced guy likes you? This is so confusing and complicated?
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