Why doesn't my boyfriend ever compliment me?

I just find it kind of weird. I know he loves me, he tells me he loves me. But he never compliments me. He used to before we started dating. he used to call me beautiful on a daily basis and treat me like a princess. but once we started dating, he's probably only called me beautiful once... and he was drunk. He's never called me cute, hot, or anything along those lines. he only says he loves me when he's saying goodbye to me. If I say "I love you" at any other time, he doesn't say it back. It actually really hurts because he's my boyfriend and i want him to think i'm pretty. I don't have a high confidence level so when i get to thinking about this is really brings me down. I've told him on multiple occasions how i feel about this and he just says that its not the kind of guy he is.. but he used to. I don't know what to do, I need a loving and affectionate boyfriend.. but unless we're having sex, he treats me like a best friend rather than a girlfriend. He got really mad when I told him this. he;s even told me he'll try to be better for me.. but nothings ever changed. I don't know what to do!
let it go and accept that this is the way he is
make it clear to him that you need this
... maybe cuz you're not pretty
stop treating him so great and he'll realize.
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Why doesn't my boyfriend ever compliment me?
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