Why do guys stare then quickly look away and then act like they don't want to talk to you?

I asked this earlier but I didn't get enough answers so I'm giving this question another go. So there's this guy I like and at a party this weekend when I was with other guys I noticed he was staring at me and when I caught him he looked away fast. Everyone I've asked about this to said he was checking me out and didn't know how to talk to me. Oh and by the way he would barely talk to me that night either. He was hitting it off with other girls but with me NO. When a guy is in to a girl doesn't her tease her as opposed to ignore her? He's not shy btw. This makes me feel insecure about pretty much my existence, lol. So what does this mean and should I make a move or not because I'm stuck, thank you.
Why do guys stare then quickly look away and then act like they don't want to talk to you?
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