Guys, my crush has a crush on me but didn't follow me back on Twitter... why? im 100% sure he saw it.. he follows all my friends back but me.. why?

he keeps tweeting like he just ignored it... doesn't make sense... if it was the other way around i would definitely follow him back, i mean, why wouldn't I follow my crush back?
oh and he doesn't know i know he has a crush on me, and he also doesn't know i have a crush on him
he's playing games (i'd do the same)
he doesn't want you to know he likes you or that he actually cares (i'd do the same)
it's twitter, not big of a deal, doesn't mean he doesn't like you
that is weird (i'd follow my crush back)
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Guys, my crush has a crush on me but didn't follow me back on Twitter... why? im 100% sure he saw it.. he follows all my friends back but me.. why?
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