Reoccuring dream: Driving from the backseat of a car?

So every now and then I have this dream where I'm driving from the back seat of a car. Nothing in the dream really stands out or happens when I'm driving it.

Last night, the dream was a little different. I had gotten in the car to escape or drive away or something. Somehow I ended up in the backseat driving. I drive along a road with 2 lanes on each side for a little bit. Then a guy runs out into the middle of the road screaming something and trying to get me to stop. I can't reach the break because I'm in the back seat and hit him. Then I wake up.

Until today, I never thought much of the dream, even thought it was kinda cool. The dream last night changed that.

I looked online, and apparently driving from the back seat symbolized not having control of your life. I can't for the life of me figure out what the part of running over someone from the backseat means

Please, someone help me figure this out

Links to your sources would help greatly too if possible
+1 y
As a side note, I also often have dreams where my teeth are crumbling and falling out. I don't know if this could be connected or not.
Reoccuring dream: Driving from the backseat of a car?
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