Are all guys insecure about their height?

My boyfriend is obsessed with being 6'2, which is quite specific, anyways he thinks he is 5'9 but isn't really sure. Sometimes he swears he is taller than that. I'm only 5 foot so he's tall enough for as is but it seems to be a hot topic for him and he was very excited to find out his height.

So last month the school nurse gave him a physical for whatever reason and they said he was only 5'6 or 5'7 but he felt like it wasn't accurate cause she measured him the "old fashion way." So last week he went to the doctors for his annual check up and they took his height but usually they don't tell you your height or weight unless you ask.

So somehow he forgot to ask. Is he really that clueless, considering that he really wanted to know his height for at least months or did he pretend to forget because he got a number he didn't like?

I always try to make him feel good about his height because he is pretty tall in comparison to me. I call him a giant and say he's the perfect height for me. I really don't understand, maybe it's an insecurity of his. I don't know why it bothers me, I guess I feel as though he is lYing to me about it and I'm a little irritated.
Give the dude a break everyone forgets things now and then.
There's no way he forgot to ask about his height if it meant that much to him.
All guys are like that about height
He's obsessed with his height, that's not normal..
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Are all guys insecure about their height?
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