As a straight girl, I notice when women are beautiful/sexy. Do straight guys notice other guys the same way?

I definitely notice when girls/women are sexy. For a while I thought I might even be attracted to them, but I finally decided that it's more admiration and artistic appreciation than anything else. If someone is hot, then people tend to prefer looking at them, right? That's why it's alway puzzled me that some straight guys do the "how could I possibly tell if they are attractive or not?" thing when someone asks them or whatever. It's like, just because you're straight doesn't mean you're blind. And just because you think a guy is an attractive person doesn't mean you're gay. So I was wondering if any guys thought the same way? Is it just that some guys feel uncomfortable saying what they think because people could get the wrong idea? Or do you think women in general tend to appreciate how thier own gender looks more than men?
I think that straight guys notice when other guys are hot, obviously; we're all human.
I don't think straight guys notice when guys are hot as much as girls notice other girls.
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As a straight girl, I notice when women are beautiful/sexy. Do straight guys notice other guys the same way?
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