Guy at Work doesn't even acknowledge me?

So I started this summer job recently and on my first day, I worked with an Indian girl (same complexion as me). We were closing and guys come in to help all the time, all except one introduced himself to me. The one just looked my way and kept walking to the other girl. He'll talk to everyone of our coworkers including the ones that just started except for me. I even opened the door for him that we keep locked in the concessions stand and he literally just looked at me before I walked off a few seconds later, no hi, no thank you, nothing. It shouldn't be a problem with minorities because he talked to the Indian girl and he talks to the Asian guy and one of our supervisors is a black man that he's friendly with. I don't understand what his problem is.
+1 y
I saw him the other day at work, while I was in the stand and he completely passed my window to go to the other girls to get something. Then when everyone came back later to help us close up, he started pretending like he was doing something but he looked nervous the entire time.
Guy at Work doesn't even acknowledge me?
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