Ghosting or busy... double text or not... come off annoying or interested?

What are the signs of ghosting vs really just being busy/going through personal stuff?
Would you suggest meeting again if you planned to ghost someone? Or could he have just lost interest with it being awhile?
Would I come off wrong by reaching out in a double text?

Met a guy from OLD website almost 2 weeks ago. He suggested meeting again and seemed adamant/genuine and we seemed to really click over the course of a month (talking/meeting/now). Later said he was busy/going through stuff and wouldn't be able to meet for awhile. I don't mind waiting (I told him this and that I understood life gets crazy) but I feel like not hearing from him (since Sunday) is a bad sign not that I need to everyday, but something to reassure interest ya know. Stuck feeling like I don't want to be a bother yet don't want him to think I'm not interested (wanting to know if he's still interested). Any advice? I get that the balls in his court and he'll reach out if he wants/when he can. I'm a OLD newbie usually date people I've previously knew well enough so meeting strangers is interesting to say the least.
Ghosting or busy... double text or not... come off annoying or interested?
2 Opinion