Does this guy in my class like me?

there's a guy in one of my classes that I like a lot. Him and I have been staring at each other, but we don't really talk to each other. My friends have told me that he's checked me out, so even though he's a funny guy I think he's a shy guy. He tries to make me laugh when I'm done.

i finally had the guts to talk to him and the moment I was near him he became very quiet and awkward. I asked him what his schedule was for the semester and his mind went blank. He seemed like he had issues talking to me. after I finished having a tiny convo with him he seemed like he was trying to get closer to me and he seemed like he was trying to always impress me.

Why did his mind instantly go blank the moment I spoke to him? it kind of confused me. do you think he likes me?
+1 y
* he tries to cheer me up when I'm down

Does this guy in my class like me?
1 Opinion