Is he just playing with my feelings?


I'm actually very nervous of opening up about my issue since it's my first time publicly talking about the things that feel heavy on my heart. Usually I would go to friends but this time there's noone I can turn to.

I've been talking to a nice man whom I knew months ago but recently got into touch with. He's very-how can I say this? Attractive? And has quite the amount of female audience every goodlooking man would have. I, at other hand, am far from what one would consider a perfect match for him. I usually don't fall for the popular type since most of the time it's a big turnoff for me but after hearing his values in life, i developed interest.

He told me that he liked me and that he wouldn't want to lose me at any circumstances. I loved the little things about him and somehow we both felt the same way until I got anonymous hate on social media. Girls were suddenly mocking me for my smile and the way I look. At first I didn't care until it got intense and I reached out to him but he never really cared and told me that I shouldn't take it too close to my heart.

Recently he got asked if he was talking to THAT girl which was directed to me and he said yes, which I'm glad he admitted to. But on the question, if he's interested in a girl, he denied it and I felt like my whole illusion of him cracked as a whole. It hurts me because he made me look dumb and a lot of girls decided to laugh about it.

I don't know what to do.
I don't know if I should respond to his texts anymore or even reach out at all?
Is he just playing with my feelings?
7 Opinion