Why do I cry so easily? I'm a guy by the way.

I'm not gay, gender confused, depressed or anything like that!

I'm just a normal 17 year old straight guy!

When I get sad or angry, my eyes begin to tear up especially when I argue with my parents and when I try to talk about a problem I have. I never purposely cry but my tears just come out INVOLUNTARILY! when this happens, I feel like a sissy girl and I become so ashamed of myself! I really want to stop this. Its so f***ing embarrassing when it happens in public. other guys don't cry but why do I cry so easily... I don't cry randomly, but it happens when I get overwhelmed... I just can't help it my eyes just water up...Not even any techniques to avoid tears when they're on there way helped. How can I get rid of this?
Why do I cry so easily? I'm a guy by the way.
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