Guys, What are some reasons a man would mislead a woman this way?

We were friends with benefits and he begged me for a relationship, I was cool with fucking with no strings attached. When I found out I was pregnant I was going to get an abortion but he begged me to keep the baby and claimed to want to be a family. I also found out he was chasing his ex and not over her and lying and telling people I forced a relationship and baby on him and wouldn't let him go. I'm trying to figure out why a man would do this? If he wanted his ex I would've gladly got out the way and aborted the baby. 🤷
He probably did have feelings for you but his feelings changed
He was confused looking for a rebound
He's mentally ill and sadistic
He's a narcissist
Other please comment
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Guys, What are some reasons a man would mislead a woman this way?
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